Credit Application / Client Information

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In an attempt to simplify and speed up your credit approval, we have developed this automatically generated credit process.

By completing the information below, you will send credit information requests to your selected banker and vendors. They will be able to provide us relevant credit information and reply electronically so that we can establish your credit limit quickly and efficiently.

Accounts Payable Information

Banker Information


Please enter any comments or questions in the box below (optional)

Standard Credit Terms: Net 30 Days (Early pay discounts are available)

All statements made herein are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. We authorize Welch Packaging (WP) to review the information contained on this application and authorize Bank & Trade References to release any requested information for the purpose of granting credit. We authorize (WP) to make any and all inquiries necessary for action on this credit application. We additionally indemnify WP, and it's agents, from the liability resulting from their credit survey. Should this account upon default be collected by or through a collection agency/attorney, we agree to pay collection/attorney fees in addition to the principal indebtedness including interest at the maximum rate allowed by the law with intent calculated from the date of default.

Initial Here: You must enter your initials to submit.

You must agree to these terms to submit.

Push "Submit" to send this form to Welch Packaging Credit Department and to generate credit information requests to your Banker and selected vendors listed above. You will receive a confirmation email if your application has been properly completed.

Thanks for your help in streamlining the credit process. Welch Packaging-Delivering the Ultimate Corrugated Experience!